

Overland Trips in the US

I randomly plan overlanding trips in the US


Suggested daily budget – $50-60 USD a day per person
(Note: This is a suggested budget assuming you’re staying in a tent, eating out a little, cooking most of your meals, and using your own transportation. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)
Note: this cost is based on fuel consumption, water, food, and essentials.

TIps for first trip

1. Prepare Your food – Make sure you bring food to last a few days at a time, at least.  Plan your stops appropriately

2. Get passes – If you can pre-order your passes for national parks, cities, vacation spots, etc.. do it.

3. Check where the locals eat – If you’re in a town, and decide to eat.. ask people what a LOCAL favorite is.  Try it.


Do’s and don’ts

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The first DO:  Enjoy the trip

The first Don’t: Don’t leave wherever you are without filling up your water.